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Bakers Dental Delicious Chicken Medium 200g

Bakers Dental Delicious Chicken Chews for Medium Dogs 200g

While you go out shopping for dog food and see a pack of dental sticks, you might wonder why they are important. The answer to the dilemma is pretty simple. Treats contain active ingredients that keep your canines gums and teeth healthy while preventing the build-up of tartar and plaque. Thats why Purina has introduced the Bakers Dental Delicious Chicken treat pack. A useful choice to keep dental issues at bay, these treats would also keep the tummy full for long hours.

They are made for medium dogs that weigh 10 to 25 kg and act as a great complement for a canines main meal. The dental chews are made from a combination of healthy ingredients, such as meat and animal derivatives, cereals, minerals, glycerol, vegetables, vegetable protein extracts, sorbitol, oils, and fats. They are low in fat content and keep your paw friend energised throughout the day. The chicken dog chews have a soft and meaty centre that is loved by canines and have a special chewy shape to keep oral health in check.

They are free from artificial preservatives, flavours, and colours, keeping the natural flavour and nutrition intact. This pack of dog dental chews includes 7 sticks and can be fed daily. You can feed 1 stick to your dog every day but remember to adjust its main meal according to that. The treat time should always be under supervision and a bowl of fresh drinking water should be kept alongside the dental sticks to quench the little ones thirst.

Product Dimensions: 20.1 cm (D) x 15.6 cm (W) x 6.3 cm (H)

Product Benefits

  • Delicious with a meaty centre to attract your pet
  • Chewy outer keeps your dogs teeth and gums healthy
  • Suitable for medium dogs weighing 10 to 25 kg
  • Free from artificial additives
  • Low in fat content, making it a healthy option