Harringtons Rich in Turkey with Veg is a complete dry dog food suitable for all dogs from 8 weeks onward, carefully crafted with natural ingredients to provide wholesome nutrition.
This recipe contains no artificial colours or flavours, no dairy, no soya, and no added wheat, delivering the high-quality nutrition expected from premium pet foods. Now with an upgraded recipe, it’s even more tasty and nutritious, featuring freshly prepared meat ingredients, vegetables, botanicals, vitamins, and minerals in every bite.
Turkey and meat meals 28% (including dried turkey 7% and freshly prepared chicken 4%), maize, barley, oats (6.5%), rice (5.6%), peas (4%), chicken fat (3%), omega blend (salmon oil, vegetable oil, and linseed 1.8%), minerals, seaweed (1000mg/kg), FOS (1000mg/kg), and yucca extract (100mg/kg).